
4 Asians Foods for Healthy and Active Life

Every culture is blessed with traditional foods in the form of plants and herbs that are medicinal. The  cultures with the most popular herbs and plants are the Asians, specifically the Chinese and the Indians.

The Chinese herbal System is called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) while the Indian herbal System is popularly known as Ayurveda.

Interestingly, the two herbal systems have lots of similarities. And they are the most researched systems in the world with lots of scientific evidence to back them up.

And they have been used for the ages in the treatment and cure of various ailments and diseases. Here are four of their numerous plants/herbs and their benefits:


Photo credit: chlorella-info.eu

Historically, Spirulina is said to be indigenous to Africa but now it’s very common and popular among the Asians.

It is a spiral-shaped single-cell micro-algae that has existed on planet earth for over 3.5 billion years. It has numerous health benefits with so many nutrients. It helps to boost the immune system. It is rich in vitamin B12 and iron. It also helps to cleanse the body. It is also a strong source of antioxidants. It contains an endless list of micronutrients and phytonutrients.

The health benefits of Spirulina includes Immune System Boosting, Obesity Cure, Improve Digestion, Reduce fatigue, Natural Detoxifier, Control Appetite, maintains a healthy heart, reduce blood pressure, lower blood sugar,  Support the Liver and Kidneys, Reduce Inflammation, Anti-Allergies, Natural Skin Care, Anti-aging and Lots more. Detailed Benefits of Spirulina and how to get it are listed here.


Green Tea has been proven by several pieces of research to be the healthiest beverage on planet earth. It’s a powerful antioxidant with polyphenol as the main active ingredient.

Scientists believe molecules called free radicals can contribute to the aging process. They also may play a part in diseases, like cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, and et al.

Antioxidants are chemicals that help stop or limit damages caused by free radicals.

A great source of antioxidants is GREEN TEA. Taking it regularly whether in brewed tea form or as a supplement capsule can be a great source of antioxidants for your body uses to balance free radicals and thus fight against numerous form ailments aided by free radicals. Read More about GREEN TEA Benefits Here and How you can Get it.

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Ashwagandha is a beautiful plant native to India and Sri Lanka. It is also known as India Ginseng. It is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb classified as an “adaptogen,” meaning that it can help your body manage stress. Not only that, but Ashwagandha also provides all sorts of other benefits for your body and brain.

Like it can lower blood sugar levels, reduce cortisol, boost brain function, help fight symptoms of anxiety, depression and heart pain, Fight Symptoms Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, and Infertility. It increases Stamina, Corrects Stomach Disorder, Weakness, Joint pains and lots more are listed here


photo credit: pranav bhasin

Shilajit is considered the king of herbs in Ayurveda, i.e the traditional Indian system of Medicine. In Sanskrit, the literal meaning of Shilajit is “Rock like” the power to make our body like a rock enabling it to withstand the ravages of time. Shilajit ¡s a blackish-brown semi-solid mass that is full of minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients.

According to Ayurveda, most curable diseases can be treated with Shilajit. It contains more than 85 minerals in Ionic form, including humic acid and fulvic acid.

Shilajit comes from the Indian subcontinent and it oozes out from between the cracks of the rocks ¡n the Himalayan Mountains.

There are so many healing benefits from the regular take of Shilajit such as Anti-aging, Anti-Diabetes, Anti-asthmatic, anti-stress, immunity-boosting, treating Sexual Dysfunction, improving digestion, Anaemia treatment, treatment of epilepsy, skin diseases and depression and lots more are listed here.


There are still numerous superfoods and herbs from the Chinese and Indian systems. These four are just tips of the ice-bergs.

These four alone have multiple health benefits. Different combinations of them can help you cure several ailments. They can reduce anxiety, stress, help fight depression, boost fertility and testosterone in men and can even boost brain function and many more as discussed above.

Supplementing with some of these superfoods may be an easy and effective way to improve your health and quality of life. For more information about any of these and their combination for different purposes. Click Here for different options.

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