
The Amazing Tea that guarantees a Healthy Life

Many moons ago, while studying about different herbs.  I discovered this amazing tea and its properties are mind-blowing and many even said it’s the healthiest beverage on planet earth. So, I decided to add it to the list of the herbs I was getting for my mum. And I also got it for myself.

I started taking a cup every morning.

In a few days, some interesting things began to happen.

I noticed my mental alertness at work is always on the high side. I easily get focused, concentrate and get more done especially early in the morning.

About a month after, people around me started giving me some interesting compliments like…

“You’re so energetic…”

“You have a flat tummy…”

“What’s your wife giving you that your tummy is not coming out?”

Even my wife who has always complained of my tendency of being a fat belly man was amazed that she started telling me all I need now is ABS exercise so I can develop six-packs.

With all these, I definitely knew that GREEN TEA was actually at work.

Yes, Green Tea, that’s the herb I’ve been taking for over a month before I began to notice these changes.

And with this little experience, I can personally say green tea is a great beverage to take daily. And no wonder, it has been proven by several pieces of research that it is the healthiest beverages on planet earth.

If you have ever wondered about the amazing benefits green tea can give to your body, mind, and health system…

Then, you are about to find out…

The Top 10 Proven Health Benefits You Should Take Green Tea Daily and a Little Reason You Might Have to Avoid It.

Let’s get started

1. Green Tea Improves Physical Performance

Once I was about to push a drum full of chemical with a friend; immediately I pushed, he was amazed. He asked me, how did you get such energy?

And jokingly said… aren’t you a married man?

I just smiled, knowing that my physical performance has greatly improved since I started taking green tea.

Here is how:

According to trusted medical reports, green tea increases the rate of metabolism and also boost fat burning in the human body. All these and other activities due to green tea bioactive components end up increasing energy expenditure in humans.

And thus, the increase in physical performance.

2. The Bioactive Compounds in Green Tea Improve Health

Green Tea isn’t just another natural tea. It’s tea with lots of bioactive components. It has over 30% Polyphenol and also large amounts of catechin known as EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate). This Catechin is a natural antioxidant that prevents cell damage and provides other benefits to the body.

The activities of these antioxidant components in green tea can reduce the formation of free radicals thereby protecting cells and molecules from damage. Too much Free radicals in the body can lead to deterioration of health, all sorts of diseases and can even speed up the aging process.

3. Green Tea Can Improve Brain Energy to Make You Focus and Get Smarter

Green tea can get you awake. But not only awake, but it also improves your brain functions.

One of the active components in green tea is caffeine, but unlike in coffee, green tea doesn’t contain as much caffeine.

The great thing about green tea is that it contains an important amino acid called L-theanine that works synergistically with the caffeine to improve brain function, energy and focus.

So, if you’re looking for a better alternative to coffee, green tea is a great choice for you anytime.

4. Reduces Your Risk of Having Cardiovascular Disease

To reduce your risk of stroke, heart diseases and other Cardiovascular Diseases which are the biggest cause of death in the world, green tea is a major beverage to consider taking daily.

As a result of increasing the antioxidant capacity of the blood, green tea protects LDL (Low-density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol and triglycerides from oxidation. Thereby lowering your blood cholesterol levels which otherwise can lead to heart disease.

According to recent researches, green tea drinkers who consume at least a couple of cups of green tea per day have a 31% lower chance of dying of a heart attack and other heart diseases.

5. Green Tea May Protect You from Some Types of Cancer

Another big cause of death in the world is cancer. And it’s known that one of the major contributors to this disease in the body is oxidative damage.

Due to an excellent antioxidant property of green tea, it protects body cells from this oxidative damage and thereby reducing the risk of many types of cancer. Researches revealed that green tea drinkers reduce the risk of Breast Cancer by 22%, Prostate Cancer by 48%, and also reduces the risk of Colorectal Cancer by 52%.

6. Green Tea Can Reduce Your Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

Apart from improving your brain function, lowering your risk of having cancer and preventing other diseases, green tea can also lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.

A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that people who drank green tea every day had a 33% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

So how does this miracle drink BLOCK diabetes?

It’s simple.

This humble plant contains powerful compounds that improve your insulin sensitivity (meaning it helps your body respond to insulin the way it’s supposed to), reduce your insulin resistance and even lowers your blood sugar levels.

Green tea actually BLOCKS the key drivers of diabetes… and keeps your blood sugar balanced.

Apart from reducing the risk of having diabetes, green tea has also been found to help diabetic people to have fewer side effects of the disease.

7. Green Tea Can Prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases

Of all diseases that come with old age, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases are the most common neurodegenerative diseases.

The amazing news is that green tea has various protective effects on your neurons and reduces the risk of these diseases and other related ones like dementia.

8. Improves Your Dental Hygiene

I have a great confession on this. I was stoned on the side teeth when I was a teen which left one my side teeth broken and my entire teeth being painful ever since then. I hardly eat meat or chew anything tough because once any particle from it gets stuck in any of the spaces between my teeth, I can be in teeth pain for 2-3 days or more, even after removing the particle.

But Since over a month after I started taking a cup of green tea daily, I no longer feel pain after eating meat or chew anything tough. Even recently, a tiny fish-bone got stuck in between a space of my teeth at the side and I felt no pain until it naturally got out of the space the second day.

When I was not taking green tea, I couldn’t bear such a bone without a toothache.

So, how is this possible with green tea?

The catechins in green tea prevent the growth of bacteria and some viruses. This lowers the risk of infections in the teeth and thereby improvements in dental health including not having bad breath

9. Reduces the Risk of Becoming Obese or Overweight and Improves Your Figure

Studies have shown that green tea increases metabolic rate. And The result?

Better fat burning that leads to increased weight loss. And thereby reducing the dangerous abdominal fat.

10. Green Tea May Help You Increase Your Life Span

With all the combined power to lower risks of many deadly diseases, green tea has the power to increase the lifespan of daily drinkers.

Now, we’ve discussed positives, is there the other side to the coin?

Is there any reason why green tea should be avoided?

Green tea is a safe drink for almost anyone if consumed in moderation and not overdosed.

But you may want to limit taking green tea to the barest minimum or avoid it if you have been diagnosed of iron deficiency, you are pregnant, breastfeeding or you are taking medications for anxiety disorders or heart conditions.


Green tea is packed full of health-enhancing compounds.

If you start taking green tea regularly, it will definitely help you with great improvements in your overall health. It can also help you lose weight and reduce your risk of several diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer.

Taking three to five cups of green tea per day seems to be optimal to reap the most health benefits.

Very high doses may be problematic for some, but generally, green tea’s benefits far outweigh its risks.

In fact, taking more green tea can greatly improve your health.

Green is available in different forms in the market. Like powdered form, Tea bag, and capsules. But I think the easiest form to easily take daily is the capsule form. Because you don’t have to go through the hurdles of boiling water daily or go through a lot of preparation to take it.

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